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Immagine tratta dal film Le quattro giornate di Napoli di Nanni Loy

The 4 days of Naples

Between 27 and 30 September 1943 the city of Naples was the protagonist of the most important popular uprising of the fascist era. A vast movement of liberation that chased the German occupation out of the city, like a powerful regurgitation; the last, unsustainable violation following the armistice of 8 September of the same year.

Four days of grueling struggle that inevitably broke out after the umpteenth proclamation of the German Military Command announcing that failure to show up for compulsory labor service would be punished with summary shootings.

There was nothing left but to fight, to fight to the death for the freedom of all.

Thus, with that indelible emphasis, the people shouted their sovereignty and that that cry still echoes through the streets of the city, among the alleys that were the scene of the hand-to-hand battle, succeeding in the intent to raise the banner of freedom on the rubble. of a useless war.

Allied forces, who entered the city on October 1, 1943, found a city already liberated.

So this is precisely where our branching in the timeline unfolds.

A different outcome of the people's revolt could have complicated the advance of the allies or even halted it, consequently modifying the subsequent evolution of history.

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